HBOT FOR Brain injury Medicine
The Earlier Accepting Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,the Better Result for the Patient with Brain Injury
First, brain cells metabolize in only one way -- aerobic. That means that oxygen and glucose can't be interrupted at any time. If oxygen supply is insufficient, the aerobic metabolism of brain cells is affected, and the energy substance ATP is reduced, that will lead to the inactivation of various pumps and channels, and cell death.
Patients with brain injury often have edema in brain tissue. Edema tissue compression of the artery can make brain tissue perfusion poor, brain tissue further hypoxia. Compression of the vein makes the tissue flow is not free, brain tissue edema is aggravated. Edema also makes the distance between capillaties is longger, and the diffusion distance of oxygen is liminted, so make the cell that leaves blood vessel relatively far cannot get enough oxygen to undertake effective AEROBIC METABOLISM. Further brain cell can be damaged, even bring about brain cell death.
Clinical studies have also found that under normal conditions the effective radius of the diffusion distance of capillary oxygen in human brain gray matter is about 30 microns. If oxygen is inhaled at 3.0ATA (standard atmospheric pressure), the effective radius of the diffusion distance of capillary oxygen in human brain gray matter can reach 100 microns. Timely oxygen supply can reduce brain damage and reduce the number of brain cells dying.
In addition, oxygen exposure at high pressure activates the brain stem reticular ascending activation system, which helps to wake up the patient in coma condition.
For patients with cardiac and respiratory arrest, it is better to rescue them in hyperbaric oxygen chamber. This video shows a critically ill patient in a deep coma, no breathing, whose blood pressure needs to be maintained by pumping high doses of pressor. Both physiological reflexes and pathological reflexes all disappeared, and daily hemodialysis. On this way of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as soon as the patient was transferred to the hall of oxygen chamber, blood pressure could not be measured, followed by cardiac arrest. At this time, the staff immediately transferred the patient to the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, rapid pressure, oxygen, chest compressions, injection of epinephrine...... Soon the patient began to have a heartbeat, which gradually became sinus. Oxygen saturation also increased from undetectable to 89% (when the video was taken). Why, you may ask, are there no photos or videos of chest compressions from previous rescues? At that time, we were nervous to rescue the patient...... After the patient's heartbeat appeared, I was relieved and thought of shooting a short video to save some information. So what you're seeing is just a little bit of the end of the patient's rescue.
Weifang Huaxin Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Manufacture Co.,Ltd
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